
  1. Select options on the right.
  2. See preview on the left.
  3. Click on button to generate and download.
  4. Place .dds file in BaseHumanFemale folder.
  5. Use appropriate normal and spectral map.
  6. If you like, please donate.

ToDo List

- Allow texture scaling/rotation.
- Allow male texture manipulation.
- Allow texture settings sharing.
- Package normal/spectral maps with diffuse.
- Add more texture options.


1) Added SO NUDE mod options for full body and feet. Check out this link Patreon - lustful illumination
2) Added Glorious CBBE Edition, no options supported fully yet. You can move the existing options around, but won't help for dirty and some hair options.
1) Re-added Pink Victoria Secret Panties.
2) Been struggling with server issues, image generation was taking a long time, site moving servers hopefully seemless.
1) First live release.
2) Added links to mods in footer by creator.
1) Server node had an issue, it was moved. New node is now faster and more stable.
2) Added bras for Immersive Attire Fix and Sexy Female Underwear.
3) Added standard bra shadow and cleavage shadow.
4) Removed Victoria's Secret Pink until request for permission to use is confirmed.
5) Allowed all but main body to have multiple selections.
6) Removed preset options for time being.
1) Moved server location.
2) Database work for future development.
3) Updated GraphicsMagick to latest version to fix a bug.
4) Various other backend changes.
1) Added 2 more pubic hair variations.
1) Zipping file for download, quicker download/lower bandwidth usage. Also will allow other files to be zipped in future updates.
1) Added Generating bar so it doesn't seem like nothing is happening.
1) Moved files to another server for better performance and less impact on other personal sites.
1) Fixed bug after bug from the code implementation, all seem to be fixed and it generates .dds files perfectly in testing.
1) Added image placement reset when double clicking layer in preview.
2) Tweaked move speed of texture when zoomed in to be consistent at any zoom level.
1) Added checkboxes to move the textures where they are wanted, click and drag texture(not working on mobile atm).
2) Added zoom and pan functionality when not moving textures.
3) Added zoom and pan reset when double clicking preview.
4) Added Custom texture option via url, atm needs to be same resolution as selected (only .png supported).
1) Replaced checkboxes with original dropdowns, but added an option to add unlimited for certain options.
2) Added a generate and download button, and moved the processing to it from the image.
1) Made mobile and small screen friendly(for the learnage).
2) Added a few piercings and tattoos.
3) Tweaked code to make managing things a little easier.
1) Added checkboxes for Other Hair options so multiple can be selected.
2) Optimized generation speed by removing blank files, also switched from ImageMagick to GraphicMagick.
1) All panties from Sexy Female Underwear have been added, as well as sexy panty shadows.
1) Added Panties and Panty Shadow, and removed panty textures from Main Body. Allows for pubic hair to come out of panties and panties to be used on other bodies.
2) All panties from Immersive Attire Fix and Victoria's Secret Pink have been added.
1) Initial Alpha Release. Able to choose a few dozen textures and convert to a .dds file.
